Senior Dog Care

Senior dog care is a growing concern among owners. Due to improvements in veterinary care and dietary options, along with healthier habits, dogs are enjoying longer lifespans. So when does your dog become a senior pet? Around age 7. Larger…
How to Treat Pet Allergies

Pet allergies are crummy. There are two kinds of friends that would agree: The Allergic One: They can’t go to a friend’s house without what seems like an entire pharmacy in their bag. The Hospitable One: The person who can’t…
Dogs and Diet

Put healthy eating at the top of your dog’s resolutions! Diet and weight can top the list of New Year’s resolutions—for us and for our dogs. Whether you have four legs or two, being overweight has similar effects on the body:…
Understanding Your Cats Sleeping Pattern

Have you ever wondered why your cat sleeps so much? You’ve probably noticed them lounging around the house a lot – or on you! – but did you know this is caused by genetics? Understanding the why and how of…
Fun Pet Care Tips You May Not Know

Photo by Sophia Charlotte / CC-BY-NC-ND Pets cost you a lot – time, attention, money, etc. Pet owners want to keep their pets happy and healthy – keeping the costs low at the same time. How do you achieve such…